Our Childcare is part of Grace Lutheran Ministries; once you enroll in our Childcare, your family is part of Grace and is welcome to participate in all aspects of our activities.  If you are not yet part of a worshiping community, both Director Judy and Pastor Gary would be happy to answer any questions you might have about joining our worship community.  Grace Lutheran Ministries is a member ministry of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  Click the link below to learn about our congregation:

Grace Lutheran Church

Another aspect of Grace Lutheran Childcare is that we are part of a network of Lutheran educational ministries of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, one of 1,900 early childhood centers, elementary school, high schools and universities across the nation (and a few international locations).  That network of educational ministries means we have access to resources, support, training, and ideas that become great benefits to the quality your children experience in our center.  To learn more about this network, you can explore the following links:

Northwest District - LCMS

Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod